Exhibitor's Advisory

By authorizing or submitting a display application, it is mutually agreed that the Geofair 2025 committee, the Cincinnati Mineral Society, and the Dry Dredgers shall not be liable to any exhibitor for loss of or damage to the exhibits. Each exhibit accepted by Geofair 2025 is registered, and a Display Acknowledgment (with a copy of this agreement) is provided each exhibitor.

REGISTRATION: Exhibitors are to check-in at a registration booth before setting up their displays. They will be given their display space location and exhibitor badge. The exhibitor's badge authorizes free admission to the show. A maximum of two badges are allotted per exhibit regardless of total size, number of cases, or number of contributors to the exhibit.

INSTALLING DISPLAY: Exhibitors are requested to have their displays installed and in proper order at the opening of the show. Exhibitors are to remove their exhibits immediately after the close of the show. Installation may be done on Friday between 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m., unless other arrangements are made with the displays committee.

HOURS OF SHOW: The show will open at l0:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. On Sunday the show will open at l1:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m.

REMOVAL OF DISPLAYS: Exhibitors may not dismantle or remove their displays before 5:00 p.m. Sunday without the knowledge and consent of the display committee.

USE OF SPACE: Exhibitors may not assign, sublet, or share in whole or part the space allotted to them except with the knowledge and approval of the display committee.

RESTRICTIONS: Geofair reserves the right to restrict any exhibit that for any obvious reason is objectionable, and also to prohibit any exhibit that, in the opinion of the display committee, may hinder the general character and atmosphere of the show. This restriction includes persons, things, printed matter, sales material, or anything that may detract from the general character and atmosphere of the show. Distribution of advertising matter in any part of the show is strictly forbidden without the written authorization of the show committee. In the event of such restriction or eviction, Geofair and its sponsors and their members, officers, or authorized agents are not liable for any refund of exhibitor expenses.

LIABILITY: Geofair and its sponsors and their officers, members, and agents are not liable for any damages or loss of property or injury resulting from any cause. All claims for any such loss, damage, or injury are expressly waived by exhibitors and/or their representatives.

Here are the dimensions of the display case
we loan to you (optional) for your exhibit.



Click Here to download the Display Application

Click Here to download the Exhibitor's Advisory


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